Cariboo Athletics
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Cariboo Adventist Academy is very proud to boast an athletic program built upon the staples of inclusiveness, sportsmanship, and strong competition in a Christian environment. We currently participate in games and tournaments with schools across British Columbia, Alberta, and Washington State.
Presently, CAA competes in the following:
Senior boys & girls volleyball
Junior boys & girls volleyball
Senior co-ed flag football
Junior co-ed flag football
Elementary floor hockey
Elementary basketball
Track and field
Aside from our organized athletic teams, students have the opportunity to get involved with sports during lunchtime intramurals, and in our daily P.E. course.
Our athletic director is Jayden Brucks. Feel free to contact him for more information about our athletics program at jabrucks@caawl.ca.
CAA high school students travel to four sports tournaments each year: a junior flag football tournament in October, a senior volleyball tournament in November, a junior volleyball tournament in February, and a senior flag football tournament at the end of April.
In addition, our elementary students participate in the local Cariboo Independent School Sports weekly games and tournaments.
Permission Slips
The following are copies of the Parental Consent Form, Medical Form, and Medical Supplement: